Leighton Baker – Conservative Party – 2013 Christchurch East…

Newspaper 4
Hi, it’s Leighton Baker here.
Now it’s your turn to choose.
Our democratic process is far from perfect but it is still a great system.
So get involved and have your say about who you would choose to coordinate recovery in the East.
Whether it’s Leighton standing for democracy, transparency, and cooperation, or any of the other great candidates, get out on Saturday and make your vote count.
Christchurch East is a unique part of the city where only minutes from home, people can be walking on a wind-swept beach, or biking over soft needles in a forest.
It’s a lifestyle only a few get to enjoy, and those who do enjoy it, have every right to protect it.
Although the earthquakes have been a terrible tragedy, they have also brought out tenacity, innovation, compassion, and cooperation to a level we have rarely seen before.
I would love to help connect all these areas so that the Christchurch East recovery is not based on government dictums or handouts, but by the community as a whole, meeting each other’s needs.
Thank you for your support.
Leighton Baker- Christchurch East Candidate.
Authorised by N. Heslop, 5 Triton Drive, Albany, Auckland.