Leighton Baker – Conservative Party – 2013 Christchurch East…

Newspaper 2
Still not seen this Christchurch Rebuilder?
Hi I am Leighton Baker from the Conservative Party.
I have been getting around meeting people, hearing stories, and formulating a game plan for the East rejuvenation.
After twenty five years in the building industry, it is obvious to me that the East’s recovery is not down to a ‘one person’ or ‘one group’ activity. A collaborative approach by people passionate about the area is what’s required.
In building, the main contractor is really a coordinator ensuring that the project is on task, on budget, and everyone can monitor progress.
It is this transparent and inclusive approach that will progress the East’s recovery.
You may have noticed some of our billboard. So vote for me we will have a party!
Go Conservative!
Leighton Baker – A guy who’s keen to see everyone succeed.
Authorised by N. Heslop, 5 Triton Drive, Albany, Auckland.